Intern Product Manager
Kiss My Apps is looking for an Intern Product Manager with a desire and readiness to learn a lot, delve into the world of product IT, and work for results. This position does not require a specialized digital background - we are ready to teach you from scratch.
Why is it cool to start your career with us in this position? Mentors for this position will be our employees who are now top specialists in their field. But they also started out as interns in our company, so no one else knows how to structure and conduct training and adaptation that will lead you to the desired results.
Hard and soft skills required for the position:
1. Ability and desire to learn.
2. Critical thinking.
3. Organized and structural approach to work.
4. Ability to take responsibility and work for results.
5. Logical thinking, love of calculations and a desire to back up words with numbers.
6. Background in Big4 companies and their partners / large international FMCG companies / banking institutions / or experience in KSE.
The team expects you to:
In short, to develop cool white products that are constantly growing.In more detail, it is:

1. Analyzing the market and competitors.
2. Work with product analytics and search for insights.
3. Analysis of product metrics.
4. Formation of hypotheses and A/B tests.
5. Formation of backlog and prioritization of tasks.
We offer the following benefits:
1. Salary based on the results of the interview.
2. Flexible schedule.
3. Ability to work completely remotely.
4. Paid vacation and sick leave.
5. Participation in conferences and seminars organized by Netpeak Group.
6. Compensation of 50% of the cost of participation in external educational events.
7. 50% reimbursement of the cost of English language courses.
8. 50% coverage of health insurance, as well as 50% of the cost of psychotherapy, dental care and sports.
9. Individual and group work with a corporate psychologist.
10. Speaking clubs in English with a neat speaker, and online yoga.
11. Corporate events and entertainment, both at the level of the entire Netpeak Group and more locally, at the level of Kiss My Apps. Large-scale events have been suspended for now, but we will definitely resume these traditions as soon as it becomes possible and safe for everyone.
12. We provide convenient equipment regardless of the format of work.
Join our team!
We're seeking passionate individuals ready to innovate and drive success. Apply now and let's grow together.
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